You are here: FAQs > How can enQuire roles be added and changed?

How can Enquire roles be added and changed?

Yes your role can be changed. There are several different methods for allocating roles.

  1. The Group Admin can allocate Portfolio Managers, Business Contract Managers, Business Financial Managers, Regional Communications Officers and NRM Plan Managers through the User's Account details.
  2. The Portfolio Manager can allocate Delivery Area Managers through the Team tab for the Delivery Area.
  3. Project Managers, Delivery Area Managers, Business Financial Managers, Business Contract Managers and Portfolio Managers can allocate Project Managers and Project Team Members through the particular Project Team tab.
  4. A Group Administrator can allocate Admin permissions to other Users through the User's Account Details.

When a Project Manager is added to the project, they are given access to the project and may edit any details within the project. This Project Manager also needs to report on the performance of the Project. When any Team Member is added, they will have access to view all the Project information. 
