You are here: Group Management > Project Template Glossary > Team / Partner Tab

Project Template Components - Team/Partners Tab

The Team/Partners tab allows you to assign roles to the project’s team members and record contributions from contributing partners or agreements. You can also assign external reporting access via this tab.

Component Name Description
Project Team

This component is included by default and can be configured to include custom team roles for internal staff or external members.

Once added to the project template, customised team roles are available for selection when assigning the project team via the Team/Partners tab.

Contract Parties

This lists the Contract Parties details as assigned via the Contracts tab and is only available on external projects. You may also assign the Contract Party roles via the Team/Partners tab.

Delivery Area Manager

Include this component to display the Delivery Area and Round Managers' details under the Project Team section.

Project Communication Officer

Include this component to assign the Project Communication Officer role to a project team member.

Project Implementer

Include this component to assign the Project Implementer role to a internal or external project team member.

Partners/Collaboration Agreement

Include this component to record any Contributing Partners through the Team/Partners tab. Contributing Partners added via the Funding Source tab are also recorded here.

Additional information

Displays any User Defined Components under this expandable area.

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